Booktalking "Second Impact" by David Klass

Carla Jenson is a soccer player who suffered an ACL tear. Her father is CEO of the local hospital, and she lives in a ritzy palace. 

Jerry Downing is a football quarterback whose mother gives physical therapy to Carla. He loves the sport and promotes it.

Their blogs bind them together. They compliment each other's writing styles. They blog about the games, their friendship with each other, and their daily lives. They enjoy the journalism aspect of posting their essays on the Internet. 

Carla wants to be the whistleblower about how traumatic head injuries can be lasting and permanent. Jerry adamantly disagrees. Football is the lifeblood of this small Jersey town, and the administration does not react kindly to negative publicity about its prized sport. The issue is blown in everyone's face when the controversy hits a community meeting.  

Second Impact by David Klass, 2013

I'm not thrilled about the direct quotations in the blogs and emails in the book, but I was very happy to find a good fictionalized depiction of the serious head injuries that occur in the course of the sport of tackle football.