Booktalking "Librarian on the Roof" by M. G. King


This is a story about the oldest library in Texas, the Dr. Eugene Clark Library. This library is over a century old, and it was suffering from disuse due to its old, outdated books. Then, RoseAleta Laurell changed all of that. The new librarian revitalized the library by ordering new books and magazines. People were enjoying the library again! She even led a Christmas parade through the town to advertise the library. However, her fundraising efforts to create a children's room failed to raise enough money. The library needed $40 K.

However, RoseAleta would not let her dream of children in the library die. She camped out on the roof. People in the community begged her to come down, but she refused until enough money had been raised. In the end, she created a lovely children's room with nice furniture and children's books.

Librarian on the Roof: A True Story by MG King, 2010

This is based on the true story of librarian RoseAleta Laurell.