Booktalking "The Half Life of Molly Pierce" by Katrina Leno


Molly Pierce strived to save a severely injured boy named Lyle who fell off of his motorcycle. She stayed by his side during the ambulance ride, and she wanted desperately for him to survive. At his request, she telephoned his brother, Sayer, to come to the hospital. She and Sayer were together when the doctor delivered the horrible news.

Friends Erie and Luka were sympathetic to Molly's grief. Siblings Clancy and Hazel tried to help their sister. Her mother was angry about her unexplained absence from the family, but her anger turned to worry when she learned that Molly was at the hospital. Her psychiatrist, Alex, always invited her to call him, day or night.

Mabel Pierce engaged in activities that Molly had no memory of. Molly would find herself doing something with no awareness of where the last few hours had gone. For example, she asked her sister to inform her of what television show they were watching when she regained awareness. Molly realized that she had memory problems, but she could not comprehend her problem or tolerate it at times. On the other hand, Mabel knew all about Molly and what occurred during their life.

The Half Life of Molly Pierce by Katrina Leno, 2014

This is a fascinating and realistic portrayal of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).