Booktalking "Inexcusable" by Chris Lynch


Keir Sarafian and Gigi Boudakian found themselves together during senior prom. Never mind the fact that Gigi's military boyfriend had made it abundantly clear what fate would befall anyone who dated her in his absence. It didn't matter, according to Keir, since he was friends with him.

According to Keir, Gigi misunderstood what happened, did not speak up, or both, and everything was fine. He told her that he loved her, and he did not want her to be upset about what happened. 

A similar event happened on the football field regarding this teen. According to the investigatory body, Keir was not at fault for the boy's injuries. He was let off the hook... or so he thought. Sisters Mary and Fran attempted to convince him to be more careful when playing ball. Kids at school began calling him Killer Keir—shortened to Killeer. Keir crippled a fellow football player.

Whose responsibility is it?

Inexcusable by Chris Lynch, 2005

The rumpled bedclothes on the cover intimate what might have occurred.