"Drawings by Evelyn Ray" Exhibit Opening

Registration is Closed
Event Details

This event will take place in person at the Bronx Library Center. 

Join us for the opening of Evelyn Ray's solo exhibit at the Bronx Library Center's Latinx & Puerto Rican Cultural Center. This exhibit will be on view until Friday, June 21st. 

Artist Statement: “Drawings By Evelyn Ray” is a collection of drawings created by Evelyn Ray honoring the Puerto Rican women artists who planted the seed. These pioneers paved the way to inspire the culture in a variety of creative forms and support of the arts. Evelyn focused on the drawing medium to express her artistic point of view for each of the women celebrated in the collection. Each art piece was developed from a photo reference. Developing this collection was both personal and creative for Evelyn and she learned how each woman featured developed their craft and their contribution to society beyond the island. They are long gone but left a legacy that continues on to this day in the community. Enjoy the collection!

Flyer for Evelyn Ray's exhibit opening with an image of her drawing followed by text stating the location and time of the event.