Hot Bread Kitchen

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Hot Bread Kitchen’s mission is to create economic opportunity for women and gender-expansive people, immigrants, and people of color through job skills training, food entrepreneurship programs, and an ecosystem of support in New York City.

Programs include: 

  • Food Career Programs, which  provide the technical and professional skills needed for employment in this vibrant sector.
  • Culinary training programs include training for the NYC Food Protection Exam, which earns the Food Protection Certification, a valuable, lifelong credential and significant advantage in the food industry job market.
  • HBK INCUBATES: SEED,  a self-paced, five-part modular program for aspiring food entrepreneurs who want to lay a strong foundation for their business idea.

To apply for various programs, go to:

75 Ninth Ave, Suite 0610,
New York, NY 10011

Smallbiz Services Locations: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island

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